Saturday, December 13, 2008

The bulls and bears!!!

After what seems to have been an allround depressing day, i decided that i might as well as do it all today. So i did the one thing ive been dreading for months now...

Opened up my trading account...

And discovered that there is always reason for a day to get worse. Quite a difference that...from my normal attitude that things can only get better, a.k.a. there are always five billion people give or take a few million who are worse off than you...

My portfolio results - 30% loss on my mutual fund holdings, 10% loss on equity.

Shocked. Coz i got into the market at 5000 levels of the sensex. And i sustained my profits after that through thick and thin.

But then, the optimist in me (Which surprises me by still being alive) tells me that i should relook and pick more of my stocks at current levels. After all, wasnt it phil fischer (or was it ben graham) who said that you cant time the market if you go for a value pick.

So let me do what i am best at doing...making the best of where i am... My stock picks were known for being spot on a few years ago. I shall revert to type and dig my nose into numbers and data again. After all, the markets down, what better time to enter!!!