Friday, August 27, 2004

The economics of marriage or why a refrigerator is better than a husband

Marriage is a practical solution that implements economies of scale. When I was hunting up a house for myself, I found myself wandering to the matrimonial page of the classified section once for every 10 failed calls to agents and landlords. I guess I must have been hoping that there’d be an ad that screamed out at me- tall and handsome guy, broadminded, cooks like a dream and doesn’t nag, comes with a set of totally awesome parents (read non-interfering), has own house and two cars, one with a chauffer and doesn’t really care two hoots how the prospective bride looks or what she does. Also is intelligent, faithful and has good genes (and looks good in jeans too)…

So I told this colleague of mine over lunch (at a fast food joint) when he was sitting with his mouth stuffed with dosa, that I’m thinking of getting hitched…

He choked

“Or ill get myself a microwave and refrigerator instead”

He gulped.

Well, I had to then get into the merits of husband versus refrigerator. Of course there was no comparison if I had to weigh a husband against a refrigerator and a microwave.

What does a refrigerator have that a husband doesn’t, You may ask…

For one thing, it keeps food in cold storage for you to warm it where and when I want to. A husband would want to be warmed up when and where IT wanted to (Am using IT since I am comparing two inanimate objects). For another you don’t have to worry about the refrigerator waiting for you and getting bored in case you are late at work. Imagine having a husband which would be waiting for you at home with cold drinks when you come back after a hot and tiring day and store breakfast for you everyday of the week!!!
Best of all if the refrigerator breaks down/ refuses to thaw ;) , you can get a new one!!!!

I don’t really want to get into the merits of a microwave, I fear this whole experience of writing may put me off husbands for life!!! Go figure!!!

1 comment:

Jupe said...

Totally rocking post... Agree with you on all counts..- of course I'd deny this in front of more of my species but then u'd understand, wont u ;-)