Monday, January 17, 2005

Lifes little instructions...

New year resolution-- i wont bottle up stuff within me... Coming from someone who is known to be blunt half the time and has her foot stuck in her mouth the other half...It would be like a surefire way to lose my job, my friends and my hair!!!

Okay the hair was a bit out of place...i figured im well on my way to losing it (the hair...on my head...behave now), might as well include it in the spirit of things!!!

So i decide to fall back on my once-upon-a-time created blog which has never been updated after that creation!!!

So what is it that made me choose today to pound on my keyboard and type out a mishmash of words which probably makes no sense to most people...come to think of it, most of what i say makes no sense to ANYONE....

Well the answer is that yesterday, after a particularly frustrating day of waiting at office (working - no, waiting-yes), i decided to fallback on all little things that i learnt over my past few years to help me handle things...(Well yes, this age thing has been bothering me ever since i turned 21, and noone could be blamed for MY misdeeds)
This led to other particularly philosophical thoughts that are quite why am i the way i am (Hated Behavioural science in college anyway...Psychographs and all that...Bless you Prof. Arul, for letting me take those tests which made me realize that i was a structured animal who had no "tolerance for ambiguity" and was into "projecting" behaviours of mine on to others)...

Back to the topic...where was i???Heck...i need to resolve not to run away with my thoughts like rather run away with some one tall and handsome...Okay Bad joke...

Nyways...Yes, i was thinking stuff on what made me the way i am, and it stuck me that i learn little lessons every day that contribute to me being me...sometimes, the lessons are not so little, as i have learned of late, esp. when it comes to work life...the work-life balance and all that....

So i came up with this concept that i would therefore record all my life's musings in a thought provoking (maybe not) way...starting from age 1 to ask a gal her age...wait for her to blurt it out)

But then hey, hasnt this been done before???Im sure it has!!! Thats when i remembered the Life's little instruction series that we used to read in school courtesy readers digest! that took me to the site (and hence the title of this post)--
A simple site with some simple thoughts...

So what, im still entitled to say my piece and say it i my next piece will be: Age Zero to One...Ouch-Ouch-Ouch...

So closing this one with a thought from the original book...

"Never cut what can be untied"

Chew on that!!!

PS: Did you hear about the dog which did not bark beyond 12 times a day??? Must have been a triskaidekaphobic daschund...

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