Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The good ol' island life...

Salamat Pagi...

The first thing i hear from every person in this country. And of course the giggles. They giggle for everything. I think we should rename this country Gigolasia rather than Indonesia. Apparently its the most corrupt country in the world. But in the past three years (Touch Wood) i havent really had to face anything personally in my short trips here...

This is my first trip to Jakarta though. My three day jaunt in 2004 doesnt qualify. This time around i understood much more of this country which is so similar to India. I understand now what "island time" is. A concept i had read in every book that mentioned hawaii, fiji or bali. After three years, i finally understand it. Most of these guys dont hurry. They have no place to reach or no reason to be the first ones there. ALl this means 1.5 hour lunches, discussions on indian population, Shah Rukh Khan and loads of shopping.

That brings me to the next thing about this country. The most consumerist country i have seen. After including Singapore and Dubai. As a friend here says, people either are in office, or in malls.
Every conceivable brand has a presence. Its an expensive country. Newspapers cost Rp5000, which translates to Rs.10/- or 60cents. And if u convert 120 USD, u are a millionaire. Such is the exchange rate here.

What else...I dont stay in Jakarta. Stay in a place called Bekasi which is in the neighbouring province , travel to another area called Cikarang. Its an industrial area with huge industrial estates. And my driver here tells me that Bajaj and TVS are starting motor bike factories.

Indians are pretty few and far between here, as is Indian food. Vegetarian food is next to non-existent. Cap Cai (pronounced Chap Chai) and Gado-Gado are veg things u can get...

I like this country though. Coz its friendly. Coz its liberal despite being the largest Islamic nation in the world. Coz all my favorite stores are here. Coz the roads are smooth. Coz its island life...Coz im away from the usual grind. This place always makes me stop and think whether im a loner after all...or is it that i dont need the same people around me all the time. Coz i think i enjoy myself most when im travelling alone. Not that i like being alone in the country where i am. I just prefer the company of locals rather than finding "one of our own". Am sure that if i was travelling with someone from office, or home, i wouldnt have seen half the places ive seen in this country. Or eaten half the things ive eaten as well... Something to ponder about..

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