Thursday, July 03, 2008

Sticks and Stones...

When I was a child,or rather, from the time I was a child, I have been accused of speaking too much. I don’t think I ever paid too much attention to that.
(Had I done so, I’d have shut up and stayed a loser, and this blog would have been non-existent)

When I was growing up, I was reprimanded in the front of the entire school by Sister Mary Patricia that I was speaking too fast. That was when I was nine. I didn’t speak in public after that till I was fourteen (Ironic that the topic of the speech made “as if you are going to catch a train” was perseverance)

When I grew up, my boss(es) told me that I speak without thinking. That I bruise people’s feelings and trample on them with zero sensitivity. I processed that information. And I mellowed down over a period, and tried to practice more discretion

When I was busy trying to be discreet, I was informed that I was a closed person. That I spoke without really telling anyone anything about myself. I was talkative, but noone knew who or what I was. So I tried to let people in.

So much feedback, So much confusion. What can a girl do? So now I speak too much, quite fast most of the time, without thinking, regardless of who it affects, with a view to be more “open”. Perfect recipe for disaster

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