Thursday, April 05, 2007

The charge of the light brigade...

Everyday i learn something new.

Till a few days ago, i thought that the words "Ours is not to question who or why, ours is but to do or die" was the motto of the gladitors. Funny, because i cannot recollect for the life of me why i thought it was so. Except for the fact that it sounds sort of a follow-up to "Hail Caeser, those who are about to die, salute you"

The original words from Tennyson's poem is far more depressing (words used by a friend of mine who took it upon herself to educate me". It reads
"Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die"
Now that ive read the entire poem, im indeed depressed. Because it illustrates my thoughts in a far better manner than i imagined. The reason why i use these lines so often is because, i feel like i am breaking my head on a brick wall at times, and the end result is simply the same. Just give in, and do as you are told to. Because its your higher-up who told you to do so. Note: I use the word higher-up , not superior, because im no way inferior to the other person.
To illustrate why i use these words as my "anti-establishment" motto, here goes
Me: I dont understand why we need to do it this way. There is a far easier way to do this, which will save us a lot of trouble
The other: I am tired of doing things because they are easy
Me: do realise we are getting paid to do work. if we do it your way, it means additional effort for which we wont be paid
The other: If thats your only reason, i dont think we should do it. I am tired of taking the easy way out.
Me: to myself, as noone else is listening: Its not like you will do the additional work. Thats going to come to me. You can sit on your high and mighty horse and insist that things be done in your way because u want it done that way. Whats the logic ? Why do i even question u? After all u are the boss...
I change my status on google to "Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do & die" Think to myself: Do and die makes better sense than my version. No wonder tennyson is immortal
Would'nt it be nice, if i go with the complicated things, dont reason why, and quit before i get around to doing it? Wishful thinking... but thats what happens when ur head hits a brick wall. You see stars.
Btw, my new motto on google talk..."For Yesterday is but a Dream, And To-morrow is only a Vision"...why, that's another story.

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